Usui ​​​Reiki

Reiki is described  as the Universal Life Force Energy. The practitioner places hands lightly on or near the body,   balancing the chakras and major systems and creating deep relaxation which aids in release of stress and physical tension, and heals the body mind and spirit. Sessions are fully clothed.

60-Minutes: $100


Myofascial Release ( John Barnes )

Myofascial Release can directly change and improve the health of fascia, the connective tissue covering and encasing the muscles and organs down to the cellular level. Its purpose is to break down scar tissue, relax and restore good posture, and it is an effective treatment for migraines, low back pain, neck stiffness and muscle spasms.

Course work completed: MFR 1,MFR 2,Cervical Thoracic, Unwinding, Advanced Unwinding, Fascial Pelvis, Pediatrics, Rebounding, Fascial Cranium, Womens Health, Equine 1,MFR Mobilization

CranialSacral Therapy ( Upledger )

Cranial Sacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive form of body work that gently addresses the bones of the head, spinal column and sacrum. The goal is to release compression in those areas which alleviates stress and pain.

Pregnancy  - Pre and Perinatal Certified

Prenatal massage relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy such as backache, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and edema. It reduces stress on weight-bearing joints, encourages blood and lymph circulation, and helps to relax nervous tension and anxiety.

​​Deep Tissue

Concentrates on realigning the deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body. It reduces chronic aches and pain, releases holding patterns and decreases muscular tension.


Involves manipulation of the soft tissues to promote deep relaxation, improve blood circulation, and decrease pain and tension throughout the body. It provides a sense of overall peace and balance for the body mind and spirit.

Energy Medicine


Request appointment or call 860.716.2248

​​Distance Healing

Reiki or Integrated Energy Therapy (R) can be sent to you at a time you specify that is perfect for you to receive and gain the most benefit. Many intuitive impressions can be gathered which can be shared via email or phone.

​          60-Minutes : $100

Massage Therapy & Myofascial Release

60-minutes $150

90-minutes $180

120-minutes $240



​​​​​​This session is for you!

Integrated Energy Therapy

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a gentle yet powerful energy work that gets the " issues out of the tissues." Within our body there are powerful emotional memories stored in cellular structures. At times, these can cause blockages that affect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. IET uses a focused energy ray working with 9 healing angels to safely and painlessly clear these blockages and uplift the mind, body and spirit.

Sessions are fully clothed.

  60-Minutes: $100


​​​​     Signature Service 

 Feeling stuck or not quite right?

Have you energetically, physically and spiritually been going around in the same cycles over and over? 

Body and Soul

   Massage and Energy Healing are combined in this powerful bodywork experience.

     The session is guided by my 27 years of experience as a massage therapist and  energy healer/intuitive. This full-body treatment relaxes the muscles while healing the mind and soul, releasing stress and energy no longer serving your highest purpose.  Each session is client specific based on what you may be experiencing and includes massage therapy, MFR, medicinal aromatherapy, and trance-channeled energy healing.


  90-minutes: $200
